[Grad2022] [Turnbull Zemi] REMINDER: Work product!

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Sun Aug 23 19:47:53 JST 2020

Hi everybody,

This is to remind you that you must send me *work product* or I'm not
going to talk to you in private consultation.  You're supposed to send
it to me >24 hours before the appointment.  Work product is

1.  An *agenda*: a set of items (tasks, decisions, problems) that you
    want to talk about.  (This is "work product" because planning what
    you want to talk about is hard work. ;-)

2.  At least one document that I can read in advance so that we can
    work efficiently.  Useful documents include data sets, graphs (as
    PNG etc), URLs or PDFs of previous research articles, research
    tools such as questionnaires and programs, and research results
    such as models (logical, mathematical, or statistical),
    statistical estimates, hypothesis tests, drafts of parts of your
    thesis paper, or diffs[1] of drafts.  (Somebody else's paper is
    "work product" because you had to read it to have a question about

The only person scheduled for Monday that I have anything resembling
work product from is Ms. Jin.  Tuesday appointments should be sending
their agenda and work product on Monday morning.

[1]  A document that compares two versions of a document.
"diff" is a now-ancient Unix tool: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff.
Unfortunately diff does not work on wordprocessor documents,
spreadsheets, and other "modern" tools, and the native "show changes"
facility is not as useful.

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