[Grad2022] [Turnbull Zemi] Model Talk is back! podcasts of interest

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Fri Aug 14 10:45:27 JST 2020

Hi all,

I guess maybe only Riku-san has been around long enough to have heard
about Model Talk (it's a pre-election thing, so the last one was in
November 2018), but it's a "thing" for researchers.  Of course there's
my "Modeling COVID" talk (extended version given to the Computer
Science colloquium:

Modeling COVID

The Model Talk series is a production of FiveThirtyEight, a podcast
that discusses US politics, mostly based on polling.  Model Talk is
about "the FiveThirtyEight model", which is actually a series of US
election forecast models.  This episode is about the model released
yesterday for the 2020 US Presidential election.  I strongly recommend
going back and studying older podcasts.  (Web search for
"site:fivethirtyeight.com model talk" or scroll through the
"FiveThirtyEight" podcast list for "Model Talk" episodes.)  Nate Cohen
(the forecasting project leader) is very smart and really understands
modeling and statistics for questionnaire analysis deeply.
(P.S. FiveThirtyEight also does sports models.)

FiveThirtyEight Model Talk: The 2020 Forecast Is Live

Smart people are saying ...

I know speaking up is not easy, but I agree 100% with this.  If you
know somebody who knows somebody who has input into these decisions,
put a word in their ear.  Playing by the rules is more profitable, not
less, because the pie is bigger.  The interesting quote is about 20
seconds at 31m05s.  "Spying isn't necessary and doesn't work all that
well in the end" of course is China-specific.  The "you are smart
enough, just promote your innovations" advice applies to everybody.

Risky Business #594 @31m05s

This comment arises in the context of the recent US proposal for
sanctions against TikTok and WeChat.  There is a *lot* of discussion
of those sanctions in my feed recently focused on "what does Trump
think he's doing" and "what rules and effects are likely"; if you'd
like to hear what I'm hearing, let me know and I'll provide a


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