[Grad2022] [Turnbull Zemi] [CORRECTION] Schedule for this week

Stephen J. Turnbull stephenjturnbull at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 12:48:18 JST 2021


I made one mistake of scheduling two students at the same time, and
have had one change request so far, so I'm updating the schedule.  The
Teams invitations just sent reflect these changes already.  Changes
are marked with a "*" in the following corrected schedule:

  12/14 (T) 14:00-14:20	陶 丽丝
  12/14 (T) 14:30-14:50	金 明旸
  12/14 (T) 15:00-15:20	櫻井 俊太朗
  12/14 (T) 15:30-15:50	陆 安琪
* 12/14 (T) 16:00-16:20	徐 慧 ----> 12/16 (Th) 10:30-10:50
  12/15 (W) 10:00-10:20	馬 弢
  12/15 (W) 10:30-10:50	周 雅佩
  12/15 (W) 11:00-11:20	李 悦祺
  12/15 (W) 11:30-11:50	刘 梁
  12/15 (W) 13:00-15:00	ゼミ
  12/15 (W) 16:00-16:20	王 天舒
  12/15 (W) 16:30-16:50	王 巧
* 12/15 (W) 16:30-16:50 花 季 -----> 12/16 (Th) 11:00-11:20

* 12/16 (Th) 10:30-10:50 徐 慧 (new)
* 12/16 (Th) 11:00-11:20 花 季 (new)
You may arrange to swap times if you like.  (All sessions are 20
minutes, so you can swap with anyone who agrees.)

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