[Grad2022] [Turnbull Zemi] Work product, 中間発表 (M2), 達成評価 (M) と進路状況届の登録

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Aug 24 22:36:47 JST 2020

Hi, everyone,

Sorry for the English.  Mondays are busy....  If you have questions,
feel free to email me or ask during your appointment.  These
announcements are unrelated to each other, and except for the first
one, only apply to some students.


When I wrote that if you don't provide work product I won't talk to
you, I meant "I won't teach you".  It doesn't mean you don't have to
talk to me. ;-)  It only takes 5-10 minutes

1.  I want to hear what you've worked on in the past week.
2.  If the answer is "nothing", we need to talk about why.  The most
    important thing is that you come out of this alive and sane.  Then
    we worry about getting you a degree.  (For this I'll give you as
    much time as you need, but you'll still do most of the talking for
    the obvious reason.)
3.  Then you tell me what you should have sent as work product and we
    decide whether to do that next week or not.  (You still have to
    write that up as agenda and send work product.  Verbal discussion,
    even a recorded video, is not documentation.)


The midterm presentation schedule has been released.  Students from my
Zemi are presenting on Tuesday, October 13 in the early afternoon:

13:45 Yan Xijie
14:00 Huang Yichen
14:15 Ye Pengfei
14:30 Lu Anqi

You should prepare presentation slides for discussion in Zemi and/or
consultation time by Friday, September 25 (before Zemi), then revise
send it to your AG by end of day, Monday, October 6.  Of course you
can continue to improve your presentation after that day, but the AG
should get advance notice of what you will present.  There will be a
later call for titles.  *Once you submit a title, you should not
change it until after the presentation.*


1.  [就職活動] The Placement Committee of the University wants to know
    about the employment plans of all students expecting a degree in
    March or September.  You should have received the flyer from them
    with the QR code on it.  Here's the URL:


2.  [修士課程] Master students: you need to fill out your Achievement
    Evaluation (達成評価) forms, send them to me for check, and hand
    them in.  Get them from the Shako site (you must be on campus or
    use the University VPN):



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