[Grad2021] [Turnbull Zemi] New lab setup

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Sat Aug 21 19:35:39 JST 2021

Hi, all

If you need a Japanese translation of anything in this message, please
email me.

There will be a number of changes in the room.

1.  I plan to dispose of all of the chairs with vinyl-covered
    cushions.  There are 8 chairs with cloth-covered cushions plus 6
    more in boxes.  I guess I'll keep the high-backed chair I've been
2.  I will keep 2 1-person sofa chairs and the low table.  The long
    sofa chair will go into storage and we'll have it in 3E406.
3.  The folding table and both long tables will go into
    storage.  (I didn't think until today to check what
    happens to tables and chairs in 3F1223.  I have been assuming they
    would go into storage.)
4.  Refrigerator and microwave will be in 3F1223.  The microwave is
    not on the list of objects to move so I'll keep that in my office
5.  8 steel desks.  3 steel desks go into storage.
6.  3 bookshelves with glass doors.  2 tall bookshelves will go into storage.
7.  1 wide file cabinet.  3 narrow/deep cabinets will be disposed of.
8.  The whiteboard on casters will go into storage.  I have one in
    3F1234 that I rarely use if needed.
9.  The laser printer/scanner will be in 3F1223.  I'm going to use the
    inkjet in 3F1234.
10. Not sure what I will do with the Vaio.
11. The tall chest of drawers by the door will go in 3F1223.
12. Other minor furniture I haven't decided.

My server at turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp will shut down for a while, I
guess about a week.  I need to either arrange to move the IP to a
different room or get a rental server at the computer center.

If anybody has any strong feeling about any of those decisions, please
let me know by tomorrow evening (email or Teams text message).

Does anyone plan meetings (study groups, etc) next week?  Probably we
can arrange desks and sofas by Monday evening.  Do you think you will
need anything else (there are whiteboards on the walls already I think).

I will be writing again about schedule for next week.  Probably Monday
I need to be available to talk to the movers.  I have a meeting on
Tuesday morning.  After that I want to give Ms. Tao (M2), Ms. Lu (M2),
Mr. Yan (M2), and Mr. Sakurai (UG) priority.  Followed by M1 students
and kenkyusei/jukensei.


Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/     Faculty of Systems and Information
Email: turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp                   University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN

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