


アメリカ人ですがほぼ20年間日本に住んでいます。経済学理論に関する科目 のほとんどを教えた経験者です。データ分析基礎や微分分析の補助科目やゲー ム論やマクロ経済学…

研究テーマは経済の仕組みのデザインに興味があります。特にインセンティブ 論が面白いと思います。過去の研究はメカニズムデザイン・企業論・知的財産・ 産業組織などを含みます。最近公共経済も考えています。(マクロ経済のミク ロ経済学的分析を用いています。)応用・実証分析と言えば日本経済のユニー クな組織と企業(メーンバンク・総合商社など)やソフトウエア・インターネッ ト産業の経済学分析も研究しました。


MBAなら、修士論文よりも特定課題研究がふさわしいと思います。MBAプログラ ムは同僚と協力しながら企業・NPO・政府機関で働ける人材を育てるべきであ ると考えています。グループプロジェクトで他の生徒と勉強しながら、自分だ けの担当があり、そしてチームで動く必要もあるプロジェクトを勧めます。

自分の興味に同じアイデアはもちろん大歓迎ですが、どんな提案でも受付しま す。(ただし、特定課題研究の定められた範囲のうちに入らなければなりませ ん。)私より相応しい先生がいたら、そのアドバイスを提供します。

トピックについては学生が選ぶ方が良いと思います。「できるか」または「ど れぐらい動力がかかるか」など、そして細かい研究計画について相談します。 今までチームごとに来たのでいくつかの学生からチームを作る経験がありませ ん。プロジェクトは「アクション向け」を要求します。つまり、結論は「世は こうですよ」ではなく、「こうすべきですが、このプランを実施するとできま すよ」という風にしてほしいです。

Turnbull Seminar: Directed Research for MBAs


About Me

I'm American, but I've lived in Japan for almost 20 years. I've taught just about every course related to economic theory from basic statistics and remedial calculus to game theory to macroeconomics.

My research interests have to do with the design of the economic mechanism, especially with incentives. I've done research in design of incentive mechanisms, the theory of the firm, intellectual property, industrial organization, and most recently public finance (using techniques in microfoundations of macroeconomics). In more applied or empirical areas, I've done some research in the special institutions of the Japanese economy like the "main bank" and "general trading firm" in the major industrial groups, and in the economics of software and the Internet.

About My Seminar

For the MBA course, I advocate that students take the Directed Research course rather than write a Master's thesis. I believe that the MBA course should produce graduates ready to cooperate with their colleagues in business, non-profit organizations, and the government. This is best done by involving students with a group project where the members have distinct but interacting responsibilities.

Of course I welcome students who have a particular interest in the same applied areas (industrial organization, the Internet and software industries, and the Japanese economy) where I have an interest. I will advise students when there is a professor better qualified to advise on a particular project. However, I accept almost any proposal as long as it fits within the general guidelines for the directed research project.

I strongly prefer that the students propose their own research project. Of course I give advice about the feasibility and effort required, and about the detailed research plan. Also, in the past, I have been fortunate that teams come to me fully-formed; I have not had experience with trying to integrate a disparate group of students who have not agreed among themselves on a project. I also prefer projects that are action-oriented: the project should not come to the conclusion that "the world is like this", but rather "here is what we should do, and here is how we can do it."