Building a Reference Database

Author: Stephen J. Turnbull
Organization: Faculty of Engineering, Information, and Systems at the University of Tsukuba
Contact: Stephen J. Turnbull <>
Date: December 26, 2017
Copyright: 2017, Stephen J. Turnbull
topic:document, resources

English version

Because the presentation time limit is very strict, it's important to keep the self-introduction short. The following is a common form:

システム情報工学研究科社会工学学位プログラムの1年、学生番号 ○○、の○○です。これから「○○に関する研究」の研究計画を発 表いたします。

My name is ○○, and my student number is ○○. I am a first year student in the Master Degree Program in Policy and Planning Science of the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering. I will now present my research proposal about "○○".

When applicable, it is a good strategy to include remarks about how the research topic was inspired by your personal characteristics, such as geographical origin. However, you should not make this part of the opening self-introduction. You will only need to repeat it when discussing your research motivation anyway. Introduce it in a logical fashion when you discuss your research motivation. (In tomorrow's practice, such detail should not be included at all.)

The bibliography spreadsheet should be constructed and explained as follows.

  1. Use bibliography.xlsx. It can be downloaded from

  2. You should already have 5 references from the previous assignment, and will add at least 5 more this time for a total of at least 10.

  3. In addition to the 3 "general tags" (theoretical, empirical, policy-oriented) you should add at least 3 which relate the papers to the content of your research (the more, the better). These tags are similar but not entirely the same as "keywords" used in published papers for indexing.

  4. Input whether the tag applies (coded 1) or not (coded 0) for each paper in your list.

  5. Fill in all columns accurately, as appropriate. However:

    1. For my convenience, if you downloaded the paper in electronic form, always provide an URL.
    2. Where columns apply only to books or to journal articles, you only need to fill them in when appropriate. (Refer to the explanation page in the spreadsheet for guidance.)

Once you have completed the form send it to me by email.

In the presentation, besides displaying the reference list on the screen, mainly you should explain the tags that you chose, and the reason for assigning tags to papers (or not). You may think that 10 papers at this stage is a lot, but actually I do not expect you to be able to make "high quality" selections, so you should put your effort to meeting the quantity goal without worrying too much about quality, as long as there is some evident relationship to your research topic. Finally, you should not use more than about 2 newspaper articles or references to non-technical pages of businesses. Mostly your references should be drawn from academic journals or monographs.

Work hard!



システム情報工学研究科社会工学学位プログラムの1年、学生番号 ○○、の○○です。これから「○○に関する研究」の研究計画を発 表いたします。

のような形を使ったと覚えています。なお、研 究の動機が出身の町か地域に係わるものなら、是非 *動機説明* のさいに述べてはいいことです!ただし、頭の自己紹介には相応 しくないのです。動機の所に繰り返す必要が生じるので。(今回は、動機などの詳細は *含まれない* 紹介です。)


  1. bibliography.xlsx を利用してください。


  2. すでに5件の先行研究を捜 し出したはずだが、今回さらに5件を加わる課題ですので計10件以上を期待します。

  3. 3つの「一般タッグ」(理論、実証、政策)に加われて新しい自分の研究の内 容に係わるタッグを3以上付けて。できるだけ多くてさまざまにした方がいい。

  4. タッグの有無を各件に記入(有=1、無=0)。

  5. 全部の欄に正確に適切なデータを記入せよ。ただし、

    1. 私の都合のために自分画ダウンロードした文献のURLを必ず入れること。
    2. 本だけと雑誌だけの欄があり、適切の方だけが必要。(シートの説明ページ参照。)


なお、「説明」というのは主にタッグの選択と付け方、そして欠いたデータの 釈明という意味です。そして、「10件」と量がこの段階で「おおい!多い!」と思っているが、 現段階で研究論文の質にかんする判断 能力はまだ身についていないはずなのでなんとか自分の研究テーマに関 係するものを基準にして選べばいい。なお、研 究背景や目的を表すものなら新聞や会社ホームペー ジから拾ったものを2つくらい認めますが、ほとんどが学術雑誌や研 究モノグラフにせよ。