AY2014 (平成26年度) 社会工学専攻 |  社会工学学位プログラム (科目一覧) |  サービス工学学位プログラム (科目一覧)
Economics of Information Networks
Instructor Stephen Turnbull (スティーヴェン・ターンブル)
E-mail turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
Office, Lab 3F1234, 3E401 ext.(5091, 5175)
Office hour Friday 4th, or see http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/schedule/.
Home page http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/Teach/InfoNetEcon/
Course number 01CN901 Credits 1
Field Service Science Program (MS) Basic Specialized
Format Lecture Level 1, 2 year
Fall A
Friday 1, 2
Objective The student will gain an understanding of the structure of information networks, both abstract and concrete, and the benefits and costs associated with constructing and operating them.
Prerequisites Microeconomics, differential calculus, basic combinatorics.
  1. Point-to-point, broadcast, and multicast: The economics of spam and search engines.
  2. Network topology costs and benefits: Why the Internet is a "cloud", and the shinkansen a "tree".
  3. Network externalities: Economies of scale in demand and first-mover advantages in supply.
  4. Compatibility and protocols: Lock-in.
  5. Compatibility and protocols: Virtual networks within real networks.
  6. Telecommunications networks: Pricing of capacity rather than use.
  7. Markets and games on networks: Simple equilibria and complex dynamics.
  8. Congestion in network flow: Braess's Paradox.
  9. The World Wide Web: How search engines make money by connecting the dots.
  10. Endogenous formation: Matching markets and social networks.
Textbooks Oz Shy, The Economics of Network Industries (required)
David Easley and Jon Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds, and Markets (optional)
References Hal Varian and Carl Shapiro, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy
Matthew Jackson, Social and Economic Networks
Robert Axelrod, The Complexity of Cooperation
Lawrence Lessig, Code 2.0
Fernando Vega-Redondo, Complex Social Networks
Anna Nagurny, Network Economics
Grading policy Final examination 40%, weekly homework 50%, class participation 10%。
English in the class Lectures primarily English, Q&A may be Japanese or English at student's option.
Notes Maruzen refuses to carry foreign textbooks, use Amazon. Japanese and Chinese translations of many references and textbooks may be available: check Amazon.

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