Homework #7


Write a plain text e-mail to me discussing capitalism. (Do not attach a wordprocessor file such as Microsoft Word.) Submit to ises-hw@turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp. Subject must contain the course number FH61011 and your student ID, both in hankaku romaji. E.g.,

``Subject: Homework #6  FH61011  20yyxxxxx``
  1. Do you think Japan has a "truly" capitalistic economy? If "yes," explain why you think so. If "no," describe the most important difference from "true" capitalism.
  2. Let's agree that Japan has a "more or less" capitalistic economy. As you understand it, what is the most important difference between "American capitalism" and "Japanese capitalism"?

In your answers, you may refer to ideas discussed in class. (Of course, "Prof. A said so" is not an acceptable answer.)

Due: February 12, 2013 12:00.
