Mentoring: The Paper Chase

This is just a copy of the outline on the proposal form. Will be updated soon.

  1. Speaker introduction. How I got involved in mentoring.
  2. Projects I have mentored for: GNU Mailman, Systers.
  3. Problems I have encountered, and how to mitigate them: (A) Planning is hard. First, the mentor needs to plan. Then the mentor needs to help the student plan. (B) Expectations differ. Talk about them! Then negotiate. (C) Life gets in the way. Getting A and B right really mitigates surprises.
  4. PaperChase: an application for planning a project, organizing the paperwork, and tracking progress. Having a form helps in learning to plan, doing the paperwork, and post-mortem analysis. Keeping a database of past plans and tracking data really improves future plans.