[Grad2022] [Turnbull Zemi] Zemi rescheduled

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Wed Mar 3 02:12:49 JST 2021

I'm sorry for the sudden cancellation, but I had a bunch of work to
do before tomorrow's faculty meetings.

I would like to have a meeting on Microsoft Teams at 10:30 am (Japan
time) on Thursday March 4 to discuss our plans for Academic Year
2021.  This meeting is required for all students who will be regular
degree program students in April.  It is especially important for
first year graduate students, whether you are presently in Japan or
not, because you need to select an Advisory Group to help with your
research early in mid-April.  I plan to talk about that.  It is
important for kenkyusei to attend if possible.  Graduating students
are invited to attend.

If you cannot attend for some reason, please send me email.  This
includes if you for some reason cannot access Teams.

You should all have received an invitation to the meeting sent by
Teams.  If not, let me know that, and your registered email, and I
will let you in then.  If you have not registered with Microsoft
Teams, you need to do that before the link in the invitation will
work, I think.

You can register at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/teams.  (If
you prefer Japanese, change "en-us" to "ja-jp", if Chinese change
"en-us" to "zh-cn".)  If you have already registered with the
University and have a student number and email address, you should
register with your university email address, which looks like
<s9999999 at u.tsukuba.ac.jp>.  Use the last 7 digits of your student
number instead of the 9s.  If you copy and paste from some other
information, make sure that the letter after the "@" is "u", not "s".
If you don't have a student number yet, use your regular email
address.  Unfortunately you will need to register again with your
university address later.


1.  Welcome and self-introductions.

2.  About classes and facilities during the pandemic.

3.  Zemi outline: About group meetings, individual consultation, and
    "work product", and attendance and language rules.  Zemi schedule
    for March.

4.  Research in Shako (Programs in Policy and Planning Science): Even
    if you already know what scientific research is, and have some
    experience, you need to find out how the Shako faculty will
    evaluate your research.

5.  Deadlines for first-year graduate students.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!


Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/     Faculty of Systems and Information
Email: turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp                   University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175                 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN

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