[Grad2022] [Turnbull Zemi] Tomorrow's zemi

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Jul 2 16:52:59 JST 2018


If you are planning to take an entrance exam in the summer (for the
master program or the PhD program, you should prepare to present your
research plan tomorrow.  5-10 minutes per person.  Please mail me any
notes or slides you have prepared.

Typical outline:

1.  Self-introduction (name, examination ID, affiliation: note no
    thesis title here!)

2.  30 seconds or so on why you chose Tsukuba University/Shako.

3.  Your research plan

    a.  15 seconds on the basic idea
    b.  Summarize 1 or 2 articles from the previous literature, most
        closely related to your proposal.
    c.  Explain data needed, method of collection, method of analysis.
    d.  Explain how your research improves over previous research.
    e.  Expected results and their impact on society.

4.  Career plans after receiving the degree.


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