[Grad2020] REMINDER: Zemi and Reference list (10 items)

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Wed Jun 12 18:31:42 JST 2019

Hi everybody,

Tomorrow we'll have the last few presentations.

Also, your list of 10 references is due.  So far I've received only 3.

Every reference should have sufficient source information to quickly
find the cited document, such as author, date, title, journal, volume,
page, or author, date, title, web URL, or author, date, title, doi
URI.  In the case of a book, author, date, title, publisher.  There
are exceptional cases, but in almost all cases the necesssary
information is pretty easily available.

Some students have also included summaries of the papers.  This is
greatly appreciated.  I will read these and comment but it will take a
few days.


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