[Turnbull Zemi] This week's schedule

Stephen J. Turnbull stephenjturnbull at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 22:29:40 JST 2023


Last week I wrote:

 > I plan to start presentation practice next week on the 3rd or 4th

but I miscalculated.  For some reason I was thinking the 3rd was
Wednesday -- as I mentioned to several people in individual meetings,
I was thinking "Wednesday or Thursday".  I'm planning on having Zemi
on Thursday, January 5th at the usual time of 13:30.

As mentioned earlier, I would like Ms. Wang, Mr. Hua, and Mr. Nishi to
present.  Ms. Wang and Mr. Hua may present any topic they like for
about 10-15 minutes.  Mr. Nishi should present the introduction
(motivation, background, and up to two important previous papers), and
conclusion/discussion of results.  Just words, no tables or graphs
please.  Mr. Liu has voluteered to present.  If anyone else would like
to present on Thursday, please let me know by 18:00 tomorrow so we can
avoid over-scheduling.

Next week's zemi will be on Wednesday unless that's more conflicts
than Thursday.

This week's time schedule:

日付(曜日)時間           時間    学生

01/04 (W) 11:00-11:20   20分    徐 慧
01/04 (W) 13:30-13:50   20分    花 季
01/04 (W) 14:00-14:20   20分    王 巧
01/04 (W) 15:00-15:20   20分    西 康成
01/04 (W) 15:30-15:50   20分    刘 梁

01/05 (R) 10:30-10:50   20分    金 明旸
01/05 (R) 11:00-11:20   20分    王 天舒   
01/05 (R) 13:30-16:00  150分    ゼミ

01/06 (F) 10:30-10:50   20分    李 悦祺
01/06 (F) 11:00-11:20   20分    櫻井 俊太朗
01/06 (F) 13:30-13:50   20分    馬 弢
01/06 (F) 14:00-14:00   20分    周 雅佩

If you need to change the schedule please consult with other students
as much as possible.


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