Chapter goals

Author: Stephen J. Turnbull
Organization: Faculty of Engineering, Information, and Systems at the University of Tsukuba
Contact: Stephen J. Turnbull <>
Date: December 3, 2019
Copyright: 2019, Stephen J. Turnbull

Sent to "Turnbull Zemi" <> on Mon, 2 Dec 2019 14:08:26 +0900,

2d year students' summary presentations

No .ppt needed, or use title page from previous .ppt

  1. Self-introduction + thesis title
  2. Current state of "karitoji" document
  1. List chapters completed (not % completed!)

    1. Describe the chapter in one sentence.
    2. State whether final check for typos and grammar done.
  1. List chapters to be completed

    State what work needs to be done for each.

  1. Current state of research

    What tasks do you propose to do after "karitoji" submission?

    1. Describe the task.
    2. What relation does it have to completed work? Why is it necessary?
    3. Estimate of completion, and impact on preparation for final submission and final presentation/examination.